Monday, September 30, 2019
Management and Leadership: Military Essay
Introduction Though popular consensus is that management and leadership are interchangeable terms with the same purpose and meaning nothing could be further from the truth. Management can be defined as influencing one or more person’s actions and activities through planning, organizing, leading, controlling and guiding toward accomplishing set goals or objectives. Leadership can be defined as effectively influencing and directing others in a manner that encourages obedience, confidence and loyal team support in accomplishing organizational goals. From these two definitions one might have a subtle hint as to how management and leadership differ. The purpose of this paper is to differentiate between managerial and leadership positions within military organizations, describe the roles that military managers and leaders play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture, and explain how the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture within military organizations. The final discussion will include two recommendations to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Leadership and Management Just as the definitions suggest a distinct deference between management and leadership all military organizations have distinctive positions for management and leadership purposes. Military organizations use a designated ranking structure for the purpose of immediate distinction between management and leadership. Leadership personnel hold the title of officer in all branches of military service. Management personnel hold the title of noncommissioned officer (NCO). While officers are immediately recruited and appointed into the leadership position NCO’s have to earn their title and managerial position in the course of progression through the ranks from private to NCO. Though these two positions differ on many levels each is equally important to military organizational culture. â€Å"A leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals†(FM 6-22, 2006). Therefore, an officer’s (leaders) main focus is to motivate soldiers both inside and outside of their immediate chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization (FM 6-22, 2006). Officers influence military personnel by setting a personal example (leading by example) on and off duty hours. Officer’s actions have a direct correlation to the amount of influence they will have in conveying purpose and vision, providing direction and motivating others. Being able to convey purpose and vision is important for officers’ to give subordinates the reason to take the necessary steps needed to accomplish missions. Open communication is essential in providing clear direction on how subordinates will go about accomplishing the mission. In order to provide clear direction officers are responsible for prioritizing mission tasks, assigning responsibilities and confirming that subordinates understand all directives given. Motivation is the key to encouraging subordinates to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission. An officers’ role in motivation is to understand or get to know as much as possible about the needs, capabilities or limitations of his or her subordinates to determine what motivates who and personally praise or encourage when necessary. The process of getting subordinates to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission falls to the NCO (managers). According to Army Regulation 5-1 (2002) â€Å"management is linked with leadership, just as doctrine, systems, processes, facilities and equipment are connected with the people who use them.†Therefore, NCO’s have the authority to make decisions based on the needs of set missions in accordance with organizational policies. The NCO’s main focus is on daily operations, and immediate subordinate’s actions toward accomplishing set tasks in order to fulfill missions. The NCO’s mission is to provide instruction and supervision over subordinates to ensure tasks are being performed effectively, efficiently and in a timely manner. NCO’s implement the four functions of management in every mission presented. Planning is used to determine a working strategy to accomplish each mission assigned to the division. NCO’s will use organizing to determine how to break down missions into smaller tasks that can be performed over time. Once tasks and timelines have been determined human resources (available manpower) is evaluated according to knowledge and experience to determine who will be most effective on which task then tasks are assigned to individuals or teams. Once teams are assigned work commences and leading begins. NCO’s are responsible for overseeing each team’s daily progress, making on the spot corrections, giving additional instruction, motivating and directing each team to ensure that all projects are going according to schedule and all workers are performing effectively and efficiently toward achieving set goals. When issues arise NCO’s are responsible for controlling situations through risk management, bringing subordinates back on track, on the spot training, enforcing organizational rules and regulations and so forth. Types of controls that are used in any given situation will vary depending on an individual’s leadership or management style. Though leadership and management styles vary depending on individual preference three specific styles stand out with both officers and NCO’s in military organizations: (1) autocratic, (2) participative and (3) delegating. Bateman and Snell (2007) describe each of these strategies as: Autocratic: leaders and or managers make decisions about what needs to be done at their own discretion then tell subordinates what to do and how they want it done. Participative: leaders and or managers will involve one or more subordinates in the decision making process on specific task planning and organizing. Delegating: leaders or managers will delegate authority to capable subordinates allowing them to make decisions for specific tasks while the leader or manager will still take full responsibility for any decision that was made through delegation. Each style is effective in its own right and in specific circumstances. Officers and NCO’s who use all three styles at different times are more effective than those who just stick to one. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is the basic nature or overall actions and conduct of an organization based on shared values and goals. In order to have a fuller understanding of military organizational culture one would need to grasp military organizational structure. Military organizations use a hierarchical divisional organizational structure. Bateman and Snell (2007) describe a divisional organization structure as â€Å"departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions.†Military divisional organizational structure is based around geographic regions. See Chart 1 for a visual break down of basic military organizational structure. DIVISIONAL ORGANIZATION: BASIC MILITARY ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Chart 1: Divisional Organization: Basic Military Organizational Structure. Notice that the basic structure consists of Officers; NCO’s and subordinates (enlisted soldiers). From the battalion level down to platoons each leader is accompanied by a manager. Information goes down the chain of command while requests go up the chain of command. Military culture is based on strict adherence to the chain of command and company policies i.e. subordinates would have to go through the squad leader and the platoon sergeant to speak to the first sergeant and so forth up the chain. Basic military organizational structure and culture is learned in _basic training_ (boot camp) where new recruits, both officers and enlisted personnel, undergo rigorous physical, mental and emotional training to establish military values and team building experience. Graduates are then separated and sent to _advance individual training_ (AIT) schools to learn specific trade skills. Through shared experiences from basic training new team building experiences develop. Again, graduates are separated and assigned to units based on their field of training. Shared experiences are the foundation for unit cohesiveness among all military personnel. While common experiences may vary they open the path for shared ideas, values, responsibility and perceptions of military uniformity to military organizational culture that guides all military personnel toward achieving common personal and organizational goals throughout their career. Though troops and their families are uprooted and moved from post to post at the needs of the military, sometimes at a moments notice, shared experiences and personal and professional commitment to military values and mission preserve the military organizational culture. Military organizational culture is more than a commitment. Military organizational culture is a way of life for all who dedicate their lives to honor and defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Recommendations Military organizational culture is a culture that has stood the test of time decade after decade. Retired war heroes and new recruits all have one thing in common. Each has a _common bond_ through shared experiences, dedication to military values, mission, ethics, code of conduct and so forth. Young or old, each has dedicated themselves to something bigger than themselves and committed their lives to honor and defend this nation’s freedom at all cost. While military culture has been mocked and scorned by many over the years, much can be learned from such a strong organizational culture. Many failing organizations in today’s challenging business environment would do well to incorporate some of the standards of military organizational culture into their own business. Having _strong core values_ in place is the basis for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Military organizational culture consists of strong core values such as: â€Å"loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and courage†(U.S. Army web site, 2008). While some of these values could be considered strictly military oriented all organizations could agree that loyalty, duty, honor and integrity could be considered universal. More companies could and should integrate these types of core values into their mission and values statements to help create and maintain a more healthy organizational culture. Having a _code of conduct_ in place establishes guidelines for acceptable employee behavior which helps create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Military organizations have established a strong code of conduct which describes separate and military distinctive areas of specific conduct becoming of service members. While the truth is that the military code of conduct is not applicable to civilian organizations all organizations could agree that specific behaviors do exist that are expected of all people within specialized organizations. Therefore, organizations could and should come up with a written policy explaining specific behaviors and actions that are acceptable and expected of all employees. Organizations may even have separate codes of conduct expectations for managers versus employees. The point here is to have an established and acceptable pattern of behavior for all employees to follow in order help maintain an overall healthy organizational culture. Conclusion From the research presented one can conclude that distinct differences between leaders and managers do exist. Leaders mainly focus on inspiring and motivating individuals toward accomplishing set goals. Managers mainly focus on motivating individuals through planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions of management. Based on these descriptions the main difference between management and leadership would be the method used to motivate individuals to accomplish goals. Though organizational structures may differ from one organization to the next organizational structure does help set the foundation for organizational culture. Organizational culture sets the tone for organizational success through shared experiences, values, beliefs and behaviors. Though many theories exist for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture each organization must come up with standards i.e. core values, code of ethics and so on that are unique and attainable to that particular organization based on specific needs i.e. values, mission and purpose. References Army Regulation 5-1. (2002). Management: Total Army Quality Management. Retrieved July 11, 2008, from Bateman T., and Snell S., (2007), Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World (7th Ed.), McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, NY. FM 6-22. (2006). Army Leadership: Competent, Confident, and Agile. Retrieved July 10, 2008 U.S. Army web site. (2008). U.S. Army: Training and Doctrine Command. Retrieved July 15, 2008, from
Sunday, September 29, 2019
My Cherished Memory
My Cherished Memory There are couple of memories of mine have a special glow around them, and i always smile from ear to ear whenever i start treasuring them, those special ones that keep me accompanied and leave a significant note as i grow older and become wiser as days go by. The nostalgia hits every time when i think of those memorable times that i had, some are fun, some are crazy and yet some are dreadful but i managed to learn from it. There's this particular memory i that i would like to share about is regarding my first time taking flight alone to meet up with my dad. It happened this year, around March. It was quite a spontaneous trip because I didn’t really do much planning nor mentally prepared for this whole thing. In fact, my mind was filled with questions and doubts about my studies because I was undecided about where to go to when my dad didn’t allow me to join the March intake at the local colleges. Although he tried to convince me to accept his advises by joining the STPM but my eyes were blinded with hatred, my infantile behavior at that time made me chose to blame him for not supporting my decision, and all he wanted to do was to make me surrender under his pride that I’m most certainly not willing to do so. After discussing with my parents for a few days (through skype), I was determined to have a face-to-face meeting with my dad to persuade him again by taking a plane to Guangzhou, China. After making a flight booking on the internet, I started doing some last minute research on that place before I depart three days later and soon, the day had finally came. My mum wasn’t even free to send me to the airport therefore I had to take the LRT to KL Central, and there’ll be busses to pick up passenger to the airport. Usually my parents or teachers will be the one taking care of the checking ins and outs whenever there’s a trip, but I was the one responsible that time, no one will be there to help out if there’s a mistake, I had to keep myself alert throughout the whole journey. I checked the printed boarding pass and tried to memorize the gate number so that i could straight away look out for that place once I’ve reached the airport, I checked my wallet to ensure there were money inside so that I won’t starve when i needed food, and most importantly I checked my passport again and again to make sure I brought the right one but not the one with my sister’s picture on it! I reached Baiyun International Airport at 9pm, tried to look out everywhere to search for my dad’s shadow but I couldn’t. I started to panic when my phone was out of battery, but somehow I managed to reach him after several attempts using the staff’s phone, he said he was on the way on a train and the burden in my body went away immediately. I spotted him 20 minutes after the call, he looked tired but I could feel the relief in him too. We took the same train to dad’s working area, the streets were quiet as we reached the place around 11pm. Only a few fast food restaurants are available, I had my supper before we went back to hotel, and no, we didn’t talk about the study issue yet. We had a great breakfast to start up the next beautiful morning, before we headed to dad’s factory, he bought me a local yogurt-like milk, it tasted funny to me anyway but I still finished it. I was told to stay in the office while dad went busy with his work, but I started to feel bored after hours of sitting and playing with the computer games. I went out from the office room and found my dad squatting down fixing his printing machine, with his bare hands stained with different colours of inks. The sweat gathered on his forehead and he was really concentrating on his work till I had to tap his shoulder to tell him that I wanted to go for lunch and asked if he needed any food. With an empty stomach and head filled with questions again, I went to search for food at the factory area. Why does he have to do the dexterity work? There are plenty of staffs and workers at the factory but why did he do that until colours stained all over his hands and I could barely see his original nail colour? I asked myself as I bit on the local chicken wrap. I went back to the factory about an hour, the staffs came to talk with me and
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Critical Analysis on “A study in Scarlet†by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
In his book, â€Å"A study in Scarlet†Sir Arthur succeeded in marrying mystery, intrigues and suspense together into one. The book has an unusual style of writing, for it is written in two different writing styles that dissolve into one another.The first part has a first person singular diction, while the second part has third person narrative style. It also has two settings, the first has London settings, while the second setting is America. It is a classical novel that revolves around a detective, Sherlock Holmes, a character who later became famous in other subsequent novels.The novel is divided into two parts, the diction in the first part is rather sarcastic, which has Doctor Watson relates the story in a personal experience style. He briefly explained how he was wounded at the second â€Å"Afghan war†and came back to London to find a decent apartment.It was this search for accommodation that led to his meeting of with Sherlock Holmes, an enthusiast chemist, who can also be described as eccentric, a cosmos and that later turned detective as the novel unfolds.â€Å"Holmes is a little too scientific for my tastesâ€â€it approaches to cold-bloodedness.†The novel delves into its mystery theme when a dead body was found at dilapidated building in Brixton with the word â€Å"RACHE†scribbled with blood on a wall near it. Sherlock, who is very vast in science and criminal investigation, took it upon himself to fish out the culprit irrespective of the fact that he does not have anything to gain from it.â€Å"You seem to be a walking calendar of crime,† â€Å"You might start a paper on those lines. Call it the ‘Police News of the Past. †As he proceeds with the investigation, he keeps unfolding mystery. Firstly, with the help of a wedding ring found at the crime scene, which he advertised in the paper, he found out that the old woman, who came to claim the ring was only disguised as a woman but was indeed a ma n. But as he traces this woman, the woman escaped. Not much later, a police comes to inform Holmes of the arrest of the murderer and one would think that was all about the play, but Sir Arthur had more plots up his sleeves.As the first detective was done, a second detective came to announce another similar murder, a proof that the murderer is still at large, that the first police had only jailed an innocent fellow. Holmes told both police that he had already solved the puzzle of the mystery killer, that it will only take short while before he apprehend the murderer. He later fulfilled his promise by arresting the culprit, pretending to be going for a journey; he deceived the culprit to help him pack his luggage. As the cabman was packing these things, he brought out a handcuff and arrested him. After severe struggle with Holmes and his friends, the cabman realized he was caught and resigned to his fate as the first part of the play ends.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Brands Hop on the Handbag Wagon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Brands Hop on the Handbag Wagon - Essay Example The price points for contemporary brands allow their customer to make purchases more often and attractive to a wider market segment in the process. Contemporary brands also have the advantage of tailoring their products towards customer preferences unlike designer brands (Sidell, 2015). This assists the contemporary brands to consolidate their existing clients while at the same time drawing new and varied ones. A disadvantage faced by contemporary brands is the fierce competition they face from established designer brands which have had more experience within the market in relation to brand recognition and consumer loyalty. It is difficult for contemporary brands to launch new products and gain a huge market share immediately. If I was a designer for a contemporary brand, I would focus on consumer research, aesthetics, and quality of my products. Coupled with the price positioning offered by the contemporary market segment, higher aesthetics and quality would ensure that I get to grasp the attention of the market. Consumers would get to appreciate the quality and aesthetics of the bag in relation to designer brands. Consumer research would enable the designer to create a product that is in connection with the customer tastes and preferences. Sidell, M. W. (2015, March 17). Brands Hop on the Handbag Wagon. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from The New School: A University:
Thursday, September 26, 2019
V of Plato's Republic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
V of Plato's Republic - Term Paper Example In the novel entitled Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, a society based on the eradication of individuality is described. All members of society are given a drug called â€Å"soma†in order to live in a chemically induced euphoria as prescribed by the social leaders. Similarly, in Plato’s Book V of the Republic, it is intended that society eliminate the barriers imposed by family units in order for the community as a whole to contain people that are all equally affiliated with one another in order for the community to act as one organism in and of itself. As far as a communist theory goes, this is described as ideal because the overall whole of the population is then able to see itself as one equally related group of people, without one person having special interest in the well being of another person more so than they would anyone else within that society. In addition to making each person equally associated to all other persons within this society, it is pointed out by Plato that women and men are capable of performing many of the same tasks therefore somewhat eliminating gender roles and furthering the elimination of the family unit. Plato did however tend to express his thoughts that women were inferior to men in many ways including intellect, â€Å" For men born and educated like our citizens, the only way, in my opinion, of arriving at a right conclusion about the possession and use of women and children is to follow the path on which we originally started, when we said that the men were to be the guardians and watchdogs of the herd†(Plato, pp. 2). This quote serves to illustrate Plato’s intention to expand on a woman’s role in his idealistic society, but yet he still places men in a leadership position above women. It can also be said that Plato examined the notion of the whole populace as a gene pool and only the best specimens out of that gene pool should reproduce thus rendering the best possible offspring. In Brave New World, there
Strategic Management of Information System Essay
Strategic Management of Information System - Essay Example Evidences suggest that individual IT service management systems may not enable an organization to develop a stable and responsive IT environment, which would be adaptive to changing business conditions. To illustrate, consider the application of ITIL version 3. ITIL is one of the key tools to IT service management as it provides a cohesive set of well developed and effective IT practices. As Blokdijk (2008, p. 23) points out, the ITIL version 3 contains provisions for developing service strategy and service design, enhancing operational services and service transition, and promoting continuous service improvement. Carvalho et al (n.d) also agree that ITIL can address range service management aspects. However, it does not authentically address enterprise architecture and this situation raises some potential challenges to the management in meeting many of its operational objectives (ibid). Therefore, the blended use of ITIL version 3 and enterprise architecture approach may be benefici al for the organization to effectively coordinate its IT operations and establish a stable and responsive IT environment. Shuja (n.d) believes that an integrated use of ITSM practices may aid an organization to deliver cost-effective and quality services to its clients. In addition, this practice promotes integrated centralized processes, which in turn help an organization keep its various departments inter-connected, and this condition will certainly offer improved services that can meet business and end user needs. Furthermore, if there is a good connection between various departments of a company, then the management can reduce its workforce strength and thereby cut down operating costs. This structure is also very useful to respond to some unforeseen
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cost-Benefit Analysis of A Public Infrastructure Project Assignment
Cost-Benefit Analysis of A Public Infrastructure Project - Assignment Example Thus, to come up with a public infrastructure, several factors will be considered to look at both the advantage and causality in order to achieve the optimal benefit that is required. Public infrastructure is considered to be of good interest to the society if its final outcome benefits surpass the cost of implementing the total project. If the cost of implementing the infrastructure is more than the benefit the society is supposed to enjoy after its completion, then, the project is of no much benefit to the society. To realize the cost benefit of a public infrastructure, a cost benefit analyses is carried out to investigate the benefit the society is expected to achieve once the said infrastructure is completed. If the result shows that the project has a positive benefit, then, the infrastructure should be implemented. If the result on the other side reveals that the benefits of the project upon completion reflect negative benefit, then, the project should be dropped (Campbell and B rown, 15). 1.1Project description The public infrastructure that is illustrated under this paper is of power plant construction nature which is located in Middle East and North African region. This region has a high potential of solar and wind energy because it receives a lot of energy from sun in six hours than what a man consumes in one year and is home to top sites of wind potential. This project is expected to generate electricity by use of massive set up of solar and wind farms networks and connect the power to Europe through a Europe- Mediterranean electricity network. A high voltage direct current (HDVC) transmission cables will be used in the transmission of the power. The power plant will involve spreading of concentrating solar power systems, wind parks and photovoltaic systems in desert of North Africa in places like Sahara desert. This means that the power plant will produce energy that is renewable instead of use of fossil fuel that is not renewable. This project will p rovide a substantial demand of electricity in Middle East and Northern Africa region and a 15% of electricity need in Europe. Thus, due to the fact that this project is expected to benefit those three regions, it has being dubbed as EUMENA which means European Union, Middle East and Northern Africa. Investment under this public infrastructure is expected to cost up to 400 billion pounds by 2050. Under this project, Europe is expected to lead in fighting climate change and economies of the Northern African countries and Europe, grow due to green house gas emissions limitation. This project has the potential to satisfy 15 percent of the electricity demand in Europe and much needed electricity in Middle East and North Africa. 240,000 jobs in Germany are likely to be created if this project is implemented and generate electricity worth 2 trillion by 2050. Energy wastage is expected to be reduced under this project because it will enable transfer of energy from areas with surplus to area s it is needed. The grid will help in taking advantage of the large amounts of energy that is likely to be sourced from large scale sources of renewable energy that are remote. The construction of the transmission grid will reduce difference between actual generating capacity and the minimum
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Critical Evaluation of an E-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Critical Evaluation of an E-Business - Essay Example This may be due to sedentary habits setting in with increasing age. The survey also revealed that the marketing efforts of retailers to spruce up their websites yielded positive results with a majority of respondents feeling that they were attracted by the pleasant atmosphere created by the retailers' websites. A majority of respondents also felt that shopping online is fast becoming a set trend and the pattern will increase in the future. Some of this also felt that they were ready to shop online wholly. This is a report on a survey conducted on 15 respondents of their experience in shopping online at two premier British Online establishments - Sainsbury and ADSA. In essence it is a study of consumer behaviour that assists firms, organisations and even individuals to improve their interaction with consumers by better understanding of certain issues that shall be enumerated later in the report, all of which were the initial objectives of the survey. Before setting out the issues the report states a little of what use the survey may be. Consumer behaviour can be described as behaviours of individuals, groups, and organisations as they use processes to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences and ideas to satisfy needs (Perner, Lars). The study of consumer behaviour can be utilised in four major ways as follows. Marketing Strategy: Study of consumer behaviour can... The study of consumer behaviour can be utilised in four major ways as follows. Marketing Strategy: Study of consumer behaviour can enable enterprises, groups and individuals to formulate effective marketing strategies. For example, in this particular instance, the study of consumer behaviour in relation to the two online stores can enable the managerial staff of these stores to determine how they can enhance the shopping experiences of shoppers at their individual stores of that shoppers return again and again, thus creating a faithful bank of customers. Either enhancing their individual stores' websites or any other suitable means may do this. How the attractiveness of the websites can be enhanced can easily be determined by what the consumers want that can be featured within the responses of the survey. Public Policy: Public policy can be determined through the means of consumer surveys that can effectively reveal characteristics of consumption that the policy makers can then utilise to formulate effective policy. Social Marketing: Consumer behaviour studies can effectively enable social marketing that can enhance societal values through suitable manipulation of mass consumer behaviour. Ideas and experiences that reinforce societal values can be effectively spread through consumer products after study of consumption patterns. Personal Experience: Study of consumer behaviour can enhance personal experiences by enabling the individual consumer to become aware of inherent difficulties facilities in shopping at certain consumption points. (Perner, Lars) There is also some need to fill in some important details on the online British
Monday, September 23, 2019
Think about what it would be like to be a pioneer moving to the West Essay
Think about what it would be like to be a pioneer moving to the West during the 1800s - Essay Example Missionaries, explorers, and traders of the 1830s discovered that the west had fertile land for farming and good hunting opportunities. In the 1840s, miners discovered minerals in the west such as gold, silver, lead, nickel, and iron, factors that provided increased chances for pioneers to get a job in these mines. The forests of the west provided timber for construction and sale to the people in the eastern states. The west also provided good sceneries’ for exploration and adventure and these would inform my decision (Josephson 15). Once I decided to move to the west, I would have prepared for the difficulties I would encounter on my way there. Pioneers packed supplies to last them the length of the journey lest they starved and failed to make it to their destination. Pioneers had to endure cold and snow on their way to the west. Some of their wagons broke down and delayed their arrival. I would confirm my baggage to ensure a successful journey to the land that had great prospects (Josephson
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Early Humans Essay Example for Free
Early Humans Essay What animals did the early humans hunt for food? Early humans found meat from animals that were back in the day, the meat was not so common because before they had animals they had other types of food like for example, fruits from trees, nuts and sometimes even honey and the y also got berries form the burry bushes like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and so on, but the animal that they always use to eat in the ancient times was the buffalo which was one of the most common animals in there specific villages and mostly when they would get the animals they would open them up with sharp things and then they would eat the meat and by the time they figured out fire they used fire to cook the food like we do know. How the early Human nut and got their food? Well the simple answer is that they used weapon to hunt the animals but we always thought that the early humans are stupid but the truth is that they are actually very smart because of the weapons they used for hunting and another thing they did to hunt food was that back in the early days there was a group of people called hunter gatherers and what hunter gatherers are is that basically a group of people for example from villages (mostly man) would go out to hunt for food mostly everyday and then when any of them would get food they will bring it to the group of people that they are and then the would most probably share the food with the people. And mostly the weapons would be made out of stones and wood. Also an example of the weapons they used wear spears and bows made out wood and stones. The most common food eaten nowadyaus are seeds. Also very populare is vegetables and fruits.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Techniques for the Identification of Unknown Microorganisms
Techniques for the Identification of Unknown Microorganisms Identification of Unknown Microorganisms For years and years, we have been trying to classify and understand microorganisms, and in doing so, we learned of certain techniques to identify them based on what they look like, where they live, and what they eat. We used this knowledge to derive simple tests to run, and we used a key to narrow down our choices, all in an effort to identify a microorganism. Beginning in the earliest labs with the earliest microbiologists, the most common way to identify an organism is to look at it and look at what it does. In microbiology of bacteria, is it round (cocci) or rod-shaped (bacilli)? Does it stain purple (gram +) or red (gram -)? Does it use lactose as food, while creating an acidic product that can be observed? These tests based on the physiology/morphology and biochemistry fall under what is known as classic identification [1]. Classic techniques focus on the ability of a bacterium to grow and reproduce in certain conditions, such as the fact that bile salts can interact unfavora bly with the peptidoglycan cell walls of gram positive bacteria, therefore selecting against their growth. Most tests are used to specifically select for or differentiate between the species, this in conjunction with a dichotomous key helps narrow down the choices until one is satisfactory. In contrast, modern methods of identification are based on the technological advances of recent years, namely, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genetics. The use of PCR to identify bacteria is rooted in the study of genetic coding, in particular, RNA. Every bacterium has strands of RNA that is used to bind the mRNA for translation: the 16s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) [2]. This sequence is conserved in all bacteria and can be used to identify species after amplification through the PCR process. Since every species has a different genetic make-up, it is simply a matter of time for identification. But for most purposes, getting samples to a PCR and running them takes quite some effort, and a lot of m oney, thus the simpler and more efficient method is the classical testing. At one point or another, we all have gotten the sore throat and cough. These symptoms are sometimes caused by microbes in the pharynx that shouldnt be there. Bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza, and Moraxella catarrhalis can infect the area and cause this sore feeling. A more serious offender, Streptococcus pyogenes, causes what is commonly known as strep throat. These bacteria make the pharynx sore by harvesting erythrocytes and breaking them down as sources of food, in turn, destroying the lining and causing the all familiar sore feeling1. A simple test on a blood supplemented agar helps reveal what source of pathogen is causing the sickness. The agar is inoculated and incubated until growth is seen, and the plate will show a pattern of hemolysis if caused by one of the bacterial pathogens. Beta hemolysis is the ability to fully metabolize the cell and hemoglobin and will produce a clear halo around the colonies. Alpha hemolysis is the partial breakdowns of hemoglobin into billiverdin, making the halo appear yellow/green. Gamma hemolysis is the absence of halo, as it means the organism cannot lyse erythrocytes1. Procedures: Respiratory swab: Take a sterile cotton swab and swab the tonsilary region Inoculate blood agar by rolling the cotton tip in a streak plate method After the initial line, discard the swab in biohazard bin, and continue with a flamed inoculation loop Second swab: Take a sterile cotton swab and swab the tonsilary region Place the swab in a test tube Dilute to 10-3 and 10-4 Make a pour plate with nutrient agar Unknown identification: To start to identify any unknown organism by classical methods, it is necessary to create an appropriate dichotomous key to accompany the tests. The first step to any key is the gram stain; this essentially splits the number of possible organisms in half, gram positive and negative. Further tests based on morphology and biochemistry will select and differentiate between common characteristics of species until one organism stands out. At the start of every lab day, fresh streak plates and broths are prepared to keep the organism isolated and fresh. Take a single colony and prepare streak plates, one for 37 °C and one for 25 °C Prepare broths aseptically in similar fashion Dichotomous key: The dichotomous key was prepared using only the organisms on the list provided by Dr. Maxwell. Gram stain: The gram stain separates bacteria into two main groups, gram positive and gram negative. The peptidoglycan cell walls of gram positive organisms will absorb the crystal violet stain and appear purple under microscope inspection. The gram negative bacteria lose their outer membrane during the decolorization step and will absorb the safranin stain, appearing red. Prepare specimen by taking an isolated colony and heat fixing on a slide Apply crystal violet stain for 60 sec Wash with water Apply iodine fixer for 45 sec Wash with water Rinse with decolorizer for exactly 8-10 sec Wash with water Apply safranin for 60 sec If gram positive, the next step in my dichotomous key is to differentiate based on morphology: is it a cocci or bacilli? This step will split the organisms by shape, essentially cutting the number in half. Using the gram stain slide, look at the shape of the specimen under 100x oil immersion Bacilli are rod-shaped cocci are round If bacilli, run the catalase test. The catalase test will reveal if the organism has catalase, an enzyme used to breakdown harmful oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide, which could be made as a result of metabolism. A drop of hydrogen peroxide is added to the specimen placed on a slide. A positive result will cause bubbles to form, indicating presence of catalase. Put a colony on a slide Add hydrogen peroxide Observe bubbles/no bubbles If catalase negative, as in no bubbles formed, the organism is Lactobacillus acidophilus. The bacteria are part of healthy normal flora and aids in digestion [3] . If catalase positive, the endospore stain must be used for further classification. The endospore is a tough spore formed by some bacteria during harsh environments. The spore will be dyed green in contrast to a cell dyed red. Prepare a specimen by heat fixing on slide Cover the slide with bibulous paper Add methylene blue Place slide on steamer over a Bunsen burner Steam for 7-10 minutes, applying additional methylene blue to prevent the paper from drying out Remove slide and paper Cool for no more than 30 seconds and rinse Counterstain with safranin for 1 minute Rinse and blot dry If endospore positive, the bacteria is Bacillus subtilis. The organism is found readily in the soil and can form a tough endospore when conditions become unfavorable. Bacillus is also a great model organism for gram positive studies [4] . If endospore negative, the organism is Corynebacterium diphtheriae. This bacterium is the cause of diphtheria, a respiratory infection. If the organism observed is cocci, run the catalase test. The catalase test will reveal if the organism has catalase, an enzyme used to breakdown harmful oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide, which could be made as a result of metabolism. A drop of hydrogen peroxide is added to the specimen placed on a slide. A positive result will cause bubbles to form, indicating presence of catalase. Put a colony on a slide Add hydrogen peroxide Observe bubbles/no bubbles If catalase negative, the organism is Enterococcus faecalis. It is commonly found in the digestive tract of humans and is considered part of the normal flora. It does not produce catalase. If catalase positive, the use of mannitol salt agar is used to differentiate between the staphylococcus and micrococcus bacteria. Mannitol salt agar is used to select for staphylococcus. Staphylococcus aureus will produce a yellow halo. Inoculate the MSA plate with a isolated colony Incubate at 37 °C for 48 hours Observe growth If a yellow colored halo around the colony is observed, it is either S. aureus white or S. aureus gold. The way to differentiate between the two is the color of the colony itself, which respectively is, white or golden (yellow). S. aureus is part of the normal flora and what is the usually cause of infections and pimples. If the MSA plate shows no yellow halo, then it is either Micrococcus roseus or Staphylococcus epidermis. The way to differentiate between them is the color of the colony itself. Micrococcus will appear red in color due to a pigment it secretes [5] , while S. epidermis will be a white color. Both are normal skin flora. If the organism is gram negative, the first test to run is the lactose supplement phenol red broth. The purpose of this test is to indicate whether or not the organism can use lactose as a food source. Fermenting lactose will produce an acidic waste and cause the phenol red to change color. A positive test will turn yellow. Inoculate a tube with an isolated colony Incubate at 37 °C for 48 hours Observe color change If the organism cannot utilize lactose, then perhaps it can use glucose as a food source. The glucose phenol red broth tests for a similar metabolic process as the lactose one. Inoculate a tube with an isolated colony Incubate at 37o C for 48 hours Observe color change If the bacteria are glucose negative, then it is either Pseudomonas (Burkeholderia) cepacia or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The two can be differentiated by the pigment of the colonies. P. cepacia will appear a light purple color while P. aeruginosa will be white, and also produce a green pigment known as pyocyanin [6] . If glucose positive, a citrate slant must be prepared. The citrate slant tests for the ability to use citrate as a carbon source. A positive result will turn the green slant blue. Inoculate the slant with an isolated colony Incubate Observe color If citrate negative, the bacteria is Proteus vulgaris. It is a bacterium that normally inhabits the intestines of humans and in certain cases can cause infections, albeit in most cases of immunocompromised individuals. If citrate positive, the organism is Serratia marcescens. It also produces a red pigment that can be used to identify it. The bacteria are found throughout environments and can be observed upon bathtubs that dont get washed often [7] . If the organism can ferment lactose, then the citrate test is prepared. The citrate slant tests for the ability to use citrate as a carbon source. A positive result will turn the green slant blue. Inoculate the slant with an isolated colony Incubate Observe color If citrate negative, the bacteria is E. coli. This is one of the most used model organisms for gram negative studies in labs. The rod shaped bacteria can cause some food poisoning if ingested. But the best use of it is in the labs, as it is easy to care for, replicates fast, and genetically simple, allowing for genetic research [8] . If citrate positive, the bacteria could be either Enterococcus or Citrobacter. The test to differentiate between the two is a Methyl red à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Voges Proskauer media. The MR-VP is used to differentiate bacteria based on the ability to hydrolyze dextrose and create stable organic acids during fermentation. The MR-VP test combines the two separate tests. The positive result for the methyl red test is a red color when the methyl red indicator is added to the media. The positive result for the Voges Proskauer test is a red color. Inoculate two MR-VPs Incubate Add the MR reagent to one tube and observe any color change every 10 mins Look for any color change for the VP test before addition of reagent If MR-VP positive, the organism is Enterobacter. E. aerogenes can cause infections and is considered pathogenic; however it still does exist as part of the normal flora of the human intestines. If MR-VP negative, the organism is Citrobacter. They are ubiquitous in the environment and also inhabit the intestines. Results: Respiratory swabs: The streak plate to identify organisms with hemolytic abilities showed growth of many different bacteria morphologies. Green and white colonies were observed to be growing on top of the plate. The media remained red throughout; no indication of any white spots. The pour plates for were both too numerous to count. Unknown organisms: The organisms were isolated using a streak plate. Two isolations were obtained at two temperatures, 25 o C and 37o C. the plate at room temperature showed red pigmented colonies (B), while the body temperature plate showed thick white colonies (A). A third unknown was given pre-inoculated (C). Three biochemical tests and two morphological tests were used to identify the first unknown organism after isolation. A gram stain revealed that the organism was gram positive; being violet under the 100x oil immersion lens. Also while under the microscope, it was revealed that organism A was cocci. A catalase test was done and organism A was determined to be catalase positive, producing bubbles after addition of hydrogen peroxide. The unknown bacteria were inoculated on a mannitol salt agar, which showed the halo, a positive result. To identify between the two staphylococci aureus, the pigment of the colonies was used: white. A gram stain revealed that organism B was gram negative; red under the 100x oil immersion lens. A lactose and glucose tube was inoculated in the same period to identify the ability to utilize those sugars. The organism was not able to metabolize lactose and was able to use glucose. A citrate slant was inoculated, after 48 hours the butt and slant of the citrate slant was turned blue; positive result. The third unknown was tested to be gram positive. A catalase test came out negative, producing no bubbles. Conclusions: Respiratory swab: Because no halo or clearing of any kind was observed in the media around the colonies, it can be safely said that none of the organisms in our throat swabs contained bacteria capable of hemolysis. This lack of hemolytic ability is known has gamma hemolysis. The pour plates were TNTC. This is probably because the dilutions performed were not enough; too many organisms were taken per tonsil swab. At the time, both participants were mildly sick and had seasonal allergies, possibly contributing to the amount of organisms per swab. Unknown organisms: Three unknown organisms were presented for identification. Organism A was successfully identified as Staphylococcus aureus white. What lead to that identification is that S. aureus is a gram positive cocci that produces catalase and is able to use mannitol and grow on the mannitol salt agar and produce the halo; it was determined that the color of the colonies was white as opposed to gold. S. aureus is a common bacteria found on the skin and part of human normal flora. The bacteria can cause minor infections of the skin and can sometimes cause serious diseases and infection if it reaches the systemic circuit [i] . Organism B was identified as Serratia marcescens. It is a gram negative rod that can ferment glucose and citrate, but not lactose. It is a common environmental bacterium that can sometimes cause infections in skin and the urinary tract. S. marcescens is part of the family enterobacteriaceae and produces a red pigment that can be found on bathtubs and tiles, feeding on soap residues [ii] . Organism C was identified to be Lactobacillus acidophilus. It is a gram positive rod that does not produce any catalase for hydrogen peroxide breakdown. The bacteria are part of Lactobacillus which ferments sugars into lactic acids. This bacterium is used often for the production of many dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. L. acidophilus is part of normal human flora and can be found on the skin or gut. Sometimes it is used as a probiotic supplement. It also prevents Candida from overgrowing in the female vagina [iii] . All three organisms were identified successfully with the use of classic techniques.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Life As A Hummingbird :: Creative Writing Essays
Life As A Hummingbird    I eased behind the huge mass of nesting material and took a firm hold of several strands, I then pulled back, quickly, to pull them free. The jarring concussion, which followed, took me by suprise. I tried to get my bearings as the ground rushed up to meet me and recovered about two feet from the ground. After that near miss I climbed back to the altitude I had been at and started searching for my tormentor. I realized that I had grabbed hold of a human's hair and that he had not been happy about it. He was rubbing his head and throwing immense volumes of noise at me. Hummingbirds make mistakes just like everyone else and more than most when trying to build and protect a nest.    I decided that I should look elsewhere and settled on a lovely little spider web. I dove toward it, feeling the thrum of my wings and hearing the whoosh of the wind flowing past. The web glowed gold in the morning sunlight and dew drops hanging from it shone like liquid fire. A gnat flew too close and I captured it with a snap of my long tongue. Snaring a long piece of the silk, I immediately ascended,  looking for my tree. My mate was awaiting my return, and was soon rewarded as I pulled up to the carefully camouflaged nest. I passed the silken strand over to her and left to find some food.    The humans are very good to us and hang tremendous reservoirs of nectar from various limbs and rafters. The containers come in all shapes and colors but they all have red bases. I headed for one of these and saw one of my rival males. He instantly attacked, chirping his anger at my intrusion. I counterattacked and we began a dogfight. Up and down, we came, zooming into space and plummeting to the ground. Although he was a willing and able opponent, I eventually wore him down, and he then left the scene. I held a precise hover as my tongue formed a tube, then I began slurping the sweet nectar from the feeder. Although I only weigh about one half of an once, I consume twice that much food every day. I captured a dozen mosquitoes on my way back to the nest and then sat on the nest to keep the eggs warm while my mate went in search of food.    Sitting in the nest is a luscious feeling. The eggs are warm and the inside
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Individuals That Contributed To The Civil War Essay -- essays papers
Individuals That Contributed To The Civil War The Civil War was brought about by many important people, some that wanted to preserve and some that wanted to eradicate the primary cause of the war, slavery. There were the political giants, such as Abraham Lincoln, and Stephen Douglas. There were seditious abolitionists such as John Brown, escaped slaves such as Dred Scott, and abolitionist writers like Harriet Beecher Stowe. These were the people who, ultimately, brought a beginning to the end of what Lincoln called â€Å"a moral, a social, and a political wrong†(Oates 66). Southern states, including the 11 states that formed the Confederacy, depended on slavery to support their economy. Southerners used slave labor to produce crops, especially cotton. Although slavery was illegal in the Northern states, only a small proportion of Northerners actively opposed it. The main debate between the North and the South on the eve of the war was whether slavery should be permitted in the Western territories recently acquired during the Mexican war, which included New Mexico, part of California, and Utah. â€Å"Opponents of slavery were concerned about its expansion, in part because they did not want to compete against slave labor†(Oates 15). In 1851, a literary event startled the country. Harriet Beecher Stowe, an American writer and abolitionist, wrote an antislavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, that was published serially in a newspaper and in book form in 1852. â€Å"It was a forceful indictment of slavery and one of the most powerful novels of its kind in American literature. The success of the book was unprecedented, selling 500,000 copies in the United States alone within five years, and it was translated into more than 20 foreign languages†(Oates 29). It was widely read in the States and abroad, and moved many to join the cause of abolition. The South indignantly denied this indictment of slavery. â€Å"Stowe’s book increased partisan feeling over slavery and intensified sectional differences. It did much to solidify militant antislavery attitude in the North, and therefore was an important factor in the start of the American Civil War†(Oates 31). In 1854, Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and stated that each territory could be admitted as a state â€Å"with... ... Instead they joined the lower South with the secession of Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. This secession by the South lead to the opening to the American Civil War. The war over slavery was brought about by many important people, who used many different ways to express their points of view. Some exhibited their dissatisfaction with slavery by debating, some by using violence, some by suing in court, and some by writing a story. These were all effective strikes against the South, and primary causes of the war. In conclusion, these people ultimately brought a beginning to the end of what Lincoln called, â€Å"a moral, a social, and a political wrong†(Oates 66). Bibliography Bradford, Ned. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Appleton-Century Inc., New York. 1956. Oates, Stephen B. The Whirlwind of War. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1998. Woodworth, Steven E. Davis and Lee at War. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 1995. â€Å"Emancipation Proclamation†. html â€Å"Jefferson Davis to Congress of the Confederate States†.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Ysera Realm of World of Warcraft :: Personal Narrative
The virtual worlds were good for doing what was impossible to do in the physical world rather than simply produce replicates of physical reality (Yee, 2009). This is why most people including myself, although a constant gamer, enjoy the experiences of the virtual world. The virtual world is an escape route from the actual realities of the world. This paper is going to describe my experience in The Ysera Realm of World of Warcraft MMORPG. Avatars are a key component of the virtual world and we rely on them a means of living digitally while fully inhabiting in the world (Taylor, 2002). When the chosen avatar Race (Night Elf) was announced a sense of disappointment ran through my mind, because I believed the Night elf Race was not going to be as physically attractive as the Human race or Blood Elf race which I have previously used in other realms. However, when I began customizing my avatar I was excited to begin the process, because it had to ability to create a unique identity which not only serve a personal function (individualization) but also a social function as other characters would be able to recognize me over time(Taylor, 2002). My Avatar â€Å"Elvinna†is a Level 6 Druid who has the role of a tanker, healer and damager, with the ability to shape shift into animal form. Elvinna also has the capability to use mana, rage or energy as a resource (World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, 2012). I chose my avat ar name based on its sexiness, simplicity and how ancient it sounds. My avatar was created as a desired self-image of myself, her gender was chosen solely on my gender as a female in reality, her look is very fierce which is what I was going for an avatar that looks fierce but sexy. Her class was chosen due to my unawareness of the different class, if I had the option of redoing characters I would go for hunter, because they are a better representation of the desire self (physically). Her personality is graceful and achieving, she desires to the highest to reach the highest levels in the virtual world. Elvinna’s, (which desired representation of myself) character is different from mine in the sense that she is everything I desire to be looks and goals. When given tasks she is quick to execute them in order to ascend, which is a total opposite from myself.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Business Ethics Dilemmas in “It’s a Wonderful Life†Essay
For this movement I chose to get a load of the business morals quandaries depicted in the exemplary motion picture â€Å"It’s a Radiant Existence†. In this paper I am determined to give a concise abstract of the film, give a catalogue of the prevailing elements, and quickly skim over the moral quandaries confronted by the principle elements in this film. This film was prepared and administered by Plain Capra and discharged in 1946. The story happens in a fictional town named Bedford Falls. The essential element named George Bailey was played by James Stewart. As George was acting like an adult one of his dreams was to voyage the globe and desert Bedford Falls. Nonetheless, all through the picture George is challenged with numerous choices that effect whether he is equipped to accomplish his dream of leaving Bedford Falls. Some of those are the moral quandaries that could be spelled out further in this paper. The picture achieves a climactic indicate where George examines suicide, be that as it may is recovered by a gatekeeper heavenly attendant named Clarence. As a substitute for slaughtering himself George tells Clarence that he wishes he never was conceived. Clarence shows George what Bedford Falls and exists of the individuals he knew could be like assuming that he was never born. In doing so George apprehends that he has made a positive sway in his group. MAIN CHARACTERS Following is a concise outline of the prevailing elements in this film: George Bailey: The fundamental element of the picture whose objective because he was younger was to get out of Bedford Falls and see the planet. He sees himself as being stayed in this town. Mary Bailey: George’s wife who headed off to university but reverted home in the wake of finalizing school. She has been enamored with George following the time when she was in her early adolescents. She sees Bedford Falls as an incredible place to raise a family. Henry F. Potter: Holder of the nearby bank and a slum ruler. His objective has been to take over and close down the Manufacturing and Advance to certification that the natives of Bedford Falls need to bargain just with him when they are looking to get a home contract. Billy Bailey: George’s uncle who in addition to George’s father ran the „Bailey Blood mates manufacturing but Loan„. He was not essentially an essential agent but as well as George’s father he minded profoundly regarding assisting the individuals of Bedford Falls to excel. Harry Bailey: George’s younger blood mate. George recoveries Harry’s existence when they were young. Harry was fit to leave Bedford Falls and run over off to university. Generally he existed the existence that George had dreamt of. Clarence: George’s gatekeeper holy messenger who shows George how existence in Bedford Falls could have been depending on if he had never been born. Just a while later does George grasp the positive effect he has had in his group. BEDFORD FALLS BUSINESS WORLD In the picture we were presented to both negative and positive depictions of the business planet. On the negative side we saw Henry Potter who was the possessor of the nearby bank. His element acted for all that might be declared regarding the negative side of business. He was continuously in a dash and in a cranky disposition. He was concerned regarding not a soul on earth else but himself and making cash. He saw the townspeople as a route for him to amass more cash. He saw anybody else getting cash as a danger to him. He had no family to help him get a load of essence distinctively. He could not grasp why the Bailey’s did not dispossess mortgage holders that fell behind on their contracts. All through the motion picture he was attempting to addition control of the Bailey Blood mates assembling what’s more Advance. He attempted numerous special strategies to incorporating offering George a lucrative work in which control of the assembling and advance was turned over to Potter. On the different hand the Bailey Blood mates assembling and Advance was depicted as having a positive effect in the group. They had corporate social burden as a major aspect of their business model soon after the expression was even authored. George’s father did not capitalize on the towns people although the opening was there. He may have made an extensive product of cash on the contracts that the constructing and credit issued and the property holders could not have perceived themselves as being profited from. This is resulting from the fact that they could have still been getting a preferable bargain over they could have gotten from Potter. Truth is told; George’s father just made enough cash to send one of his offspring to school. An additional case of the Manufacturing and Credit being depicted emphatically is when George began the lodging growth â€Å"Bailey Stop†. He advertised unique homes at a moderate cost. This empowered numerous townspeople to move out of run down pads and homes that they were leasing from Mr. Potter. Indeed George Bailey made Mr. Martini, who purchased the first home in the improvement, move into his unique house. George was indicated as being authentically blissful and satisfied by having the capacity to assist the neighborhood grasp their dream of home proprietorship. ETHICAL DILEMMAS There are some indicates in this picture where the elements face moral situations where their decisions and choices will have an effect on countless individuals and the neighborhood as an entire. In this area I am determined to take what I see as several vital moral issues challenged by George Bailey, how those issues were determined and whether the best determination was made. The first dilemma I desire to center on is when the Plank for the Raising and Advance was gathering to choose what to do several months after George’s father had expired and in the meantime George wanted to leave for university. As of right now George had been running the business then again assuming that he headed off to university there could have been not a soul on earth to run the Manufacturing and Credit. George’s uncle Billy could have been ready; anyway the sheet did not have certainty in his capacity. Potter was on the slat and he was prodding to shut everything down Constructing and Adva nce and have its possessions turned over to his bank. The slat did not prefer to do this but they did not appear to have any individual to finally run the Raising and Advance the way they had a desire to. Meanwhile they did not prefer Potter to seize control of the business. George preferred quite much to give the individuals of Bedford Falls a spot to head off to without needing to creep and implore at Potter’s knees, which Potter plainly liked. The sheet voted to keep the Raising and Advance managing with the expectation that George allowed stay on as the Official Secretary. George might have effectively deserted the town behind and gone ahead to grasp his dreams. He decided on to stay back and run the Raising and Advance while his blood mate Harry headed off to school. This was the best determination, not fundamentally for George’s private well being but for the whole group. The townspeople could have been more awful off assuming that they had Potter’s bank as the sole decision in town. I without a doubt accept I could have done the same thing. I could have been more concerned concerning the life span of my family’s business that has a positive effect than my particular short term objectives. The next difficulty that I need to take a gander at is when there was a run on the bank as George but Mary were leaving town for their wedding trip. Right now the bank had brought in the credit issued to the Manufacturing and Credit. George’s uncle Billy was compelled to make the installment which drained all their money. He bolted the front entryway which made clients apprehensive. When George grasped what was going ahead he headed off to the Fabricating and Advance, opened the gateways into bargain with this emergency. Clients were going in mandating that they be capable allowed access to their cash. Some felt the need to withdraw all their trusts. Unfortunately the Baileys did not have any money to furnish their clients. There trust was to shut everything down six days while they displaced their stores. As this was going ahead word got out that Potter could pay the Bailey’s clients 50 pennies on the dollar provided that they surrendered their stakes to him. This was clearly an alternate one sample of Potter misusing a chance to addition control of the manufacturing and credit. The Baileys preferred to stay away from this if whatsoever plausible. George’s wife Mary kept up the money that they had set aside for their vacation and offered to give enough to blanket the clients requirements until things settled down. The Baileys were ready to give enough money to fulfill their clients. They were down to two dollars when the final client left and the day was finished. The Baileys again made what I think was the right choice. George again set the necessities of the group beyond his particular. He may have effortlessly let most living breathing souls gain installments from Potter, in any case they could have been more awful off by getting just part of what they saved. It could be demanding to put myself in this scenario on the grounds that banks and different budgetary establishments have store protection. I accept I could have done the same thing. I could not have any situation putting off my vacation to recovery the family business. There could be an opportunity to have that getaway at a later time. The third dilemma I want to look at is when George’s uncle Billy lost the $8,000.00 store on Christmas Eve. In this scenario Billy is being preoccupied and erroneously blends the store with a daily paper that he shows to Potter. He does this on the grounds that he is animated concerning an article demonstrating that Harry Bailey has gained the Congressional Decoration of Respect. Potter does discover the cash and he knows that its the store that Billy has lost. As an alternate option of doing the right thing and giving the cash back he looks at Billy freeze and sees an alternate one chance to seize control of the Constructing and Advance. This hopefully happens in the meantime that a bank inspector appears to review the Constructing and Loan’s records. Assuming that the analyst was not there they might have purchased some chance to track down what had genuinely happened to the store. Rather George frenzies and he turns to the sole individual he learns about can get him of this scenario, Potter. At no focus does George place the rebuke with Billy. He is eager to take the fall for loosing the cash. This is enticing as he chats with Potter, on account of Potter knows that it was Billy who lost the store. Potter consents to advance George the cash provided that he furnishes some sort of security. The sole security George has is a life coverage strategy that has a $15,000 demise profit. As of right now Potter states to George that he is preferable off dead. George still sees himself in a no win scenario. In the wake of set up to the neighborhood bar and getting plastered he stumbles out on to a scaffold where is truly near bouncing off and slaughtering himself. This is where George meets the watchman holy messenger Clarence and George lets him know that he detests his existence and that he wishes he was never conceived. Clarence sees this as an opening to show George that he has had an effect in Bedford Falls. When George sees that the town could be more awful off without him he wishes for his essence back. As this is going ahead word gets out concerning the scenario that George is in. After George returns home to his wife and family the folks of Bedford Falls appear at his doorstep carrying cash to assist the Baileys blanket the missing store. George unquestionably made the right determination here. No scenario is urgent enough to defend slaughtering yourself. There is constantly somebody that you can turn to. Resulting from the fact that he had put the community’s requirements ahead of his particular for so extended the individuals of Bedford Falls did not falter to go to his support. I don’t think the same could be stated if Potter was in this scenario. I am not certain depending on if I could have done the same thing as George here. I could have approached with the real truth that the store was lost by Billy. Additionally, at no focus could I have scrutinized suicide. No scenario is urgent enough to advocate murdering yourself. OTHER SCENARIOS One different moral quandary that I saw at an opportune time was when the possessor of the drugstore, Mr. Gower, erroneously put toxin in a solution while he was inebriated. George may have effectively looked the different way or told another person what had happened. As an alternate option he sharp out to Mr. Gower, who from the beginning was incensed but in the wake of grasping what happened was appreciative to George. A different one was when Potter offered George a particularly lucrative work chance at the bank as extended as George turned over control of the Manufacturing and Advance to Potter. Although George could have been improved off fiscally he picked not to take the work. The final one I need to indicate is when Potter identified that Billy had erroneously intermingled the $8,000 store in with the daily paper he gave to Potter. Potter might as well have done the right thing and gave back where its due to the Baileys. Alternately he saw a different chance for his particular private addition. SUMMARY Even though its viewed as a feel great siesta motion picture, this picture offers a phenomenal opening to test distinctive moral problems that face minor business managers in modest towns. It demonstrates that specialties in minor towns are confronted with determinations that effect either in a positive or a negative way folks who are their companions and neighbors. To run with that as a business manager we should not plainly see the effect we have on individuals exists, we do actually make a divergence in numerous individuals exists. This might be negative as perceived when George was demonstrated a Bedford Falls where Potter had his direction or it might be positive as George apprehended when he saw the elective to him not being there. George Bailey demonstrated that a modest business might be promising admitting that the holder does not get rich financially but get rich in different ways.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Advantages of Technical Education Essay
It is appropriate for me to seize this opportunity to speak a couple of words on the need to expand Technical Education in the country. In Sri Lanka, technical education began in the 1890s with the establishment of the Colombo Technical College, which, as Government Department, functioned to cater to certain requirements of such Government Departments as Public Works, Railways and Irrigation. Technical Education, because of this limited focus, did not expand in the colonial period; it was after independence an attempt was made to start engineering courses. With the establishment of the University of Ceylon, an Engineering Degree course was started. In the sixties, a network of Technical Colleges came into existence but they taught only trade and craft courses. What the country needed was an Institute which could career to the middle level needs in the field of technical knowledge. Such middle level technical know-how was necessary for the country to undertake development; industry was expanding and new development corporations came into being, and such institutions, in addition to engineers, wanted middle level technical expertise. The Expansion Since there was no organization to produce such men, the Government of the day wanted us to examine the possibility of setting up a Technological Institute which is capable of producing middle level technicians in areas relevant to development. Ampara Hardy Institute, German Technical Institute and the HNDE courses have become popular, and they produced employable technicians who found employment. It was in this background that we established the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) which is now emerging as a centre of excellence in the area of Technological Studies in the country, and its provincial centres have become attractive centres of learning. All students, who pass the Advanced Level examination cannot enter the Universities, and they need to be given opportunities in the field of higher education. This Institute has 18 branches throughout the country which could provide educational opportunities to a large group of students; today this kind of qualification could be easily marketed in a highly competitive world and the middle level technician is as important as a qualified engineer. The Government, based on the Mahinda Chintana strategy on higher education, proposes to develop the SLIATE into a centre of excellence, and we are receiving substantial foreign assistance for the improvement of the Institute. In my view, Sri Lankan higher education institutions need foreign assistance and partnerships to meet the international competition in the Higher Education market. Today the world has become globalized, and in such a context, whatever changes we make, we need to look from the point of view of global considerations. The multiple demands of economic and social development, specially in the context of Sri Lanka, needs diverse tertiary institutions, and the SLIATE, with its network of colleges specializing in technical subjects, can provide the State with middle level technically trained personnel. The very existence of the SLIATE shows that the country needs an education system with increased differentiation; in other words, the development of non-university institutions like higher technological colleges can help meet the growing social demand for higher education. Those students, who fail to find places within the formal University system, need to be provided with opportunities in the technical education sector, and it is through such diversification of higher educational institutions that access to tertiary education can be improved; today nearly 210,000 students sit the Advanced Level examination, out of which nearly 120,000 students qualify to enter the Universities but the annual intake to Universities is restricted to less than 20,000. This is a major problem in the system, and this question has to be immediately addressed. The Government has adopted two strategies; one is to get a sizable section into the Technical education sector, and the rest has been given an opportunity to make use of the Distance Mode. I would like to refer to the expansion of the Open University and the effective use of the external degrees formula. It is through enrollment in non-university institutions that the problems relating to access could be solved. For instance, in East Asia, the average annual growth of University enrollment was 11 percent between 1975 and 1980 and 6 percent between 1980-1988, as compared with 24 and 10 percent for non-University institutions in the same period. Several types of non-University institutions, similar to the SLIATE, have evolved in various countries to expand higher educational opportunities for those who aspire to get into the system. For example, Poly- Technics, Professional and Technical Institutes, Community Colleges and Institutions offering Distance Education. Need for Diversification In the Sri Lankan context, we cannot totally depend on the traditional system of University education. It has served a good purpose, and it is still serving a purpose; in my view, the immediate need is to diversify the tertiary education system with an emphasis on technical and vocational education. In terms of cost, they are low cost programmes and the country can afford such a network of colleges which could provide them with a qualification and training, with which a person can find employment. The emphasis on scholastic education, which began with the establishment of the University College in 1921, needs to be transformed, and the young men and women, who now seek a qualification to get employment, should be encouraged to get a Technical qualification from an Institute like the SLIATE. It is the policy of the Government is to develop the SLIATE into a centre of excellence, it is not a mere Technical College, it is a special kind of Technological Institute, the products of which can make a vital contribution to the process of economic and social development. Technical education, like University education, should become an integral aspect of the development process in the country. Only an Institute of this nature, with varied products of highly skilled labour, which can respond to labour market demands in a country. The reason is that such an Institute can operate multi-disciplinary programmes in various technical fields and the SLIATE is doing exactly that. What needs to be done is to produce all types of skilled labour which a market economy needs; in other words, what the industry needs has to be produced. In Singapore, the employment prospects for graduates of Polytechnics are so good that many talented students seek entry into the vocationally-oriented Polytechnics rather than regular academic programme conducted by the Universities. In my view, the development of the SLIATE is certain to create a similar intellectual culture in the country. Let me make use of this opportunity to speak a couple of words on the role of the teacher. I was a University teacher for more than thirty years. I want all these young men and women to be good teachers, dedicated to the function of teaching. One has to be a dedicated teacher who set an example to the student community; you must be able to command respect among the student community, for which you need an intellectual personality. You need to be an intellectual-cum-teacher and then only you can attract the attention of the student community. Above all, you need to be a man of character. In the final analysis, you are members of the intellectual community of this country, and it is the intellectual community, for that matter in any country, which provides the leadership for the transformation of a society.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Handling the Dilemma over Community vs Institutional Corrections Essay
It is the first day of break and Jimmy wants to have a good time with his friends. Long story short, Jimmy decided to drive home drunk and crashed into another car. The driver of the other car passed away.What kind of punishment should Jimmy receive? It seems fair for him to spend time in prison. Should he see probation after the jail time? How much? This scenario helps introduce the dilemma we have today as a society about institutional vs. community corrections. Punishment for crime has always been an issue for debate. With the growth of the American colonies, the colonists needed a system of punishment for lawbreakers. Many methods developed in Europe meant to bring shame to those offenders were adopted. Around this time, the world saw a change in punishment ideology; some began to stress that humans are not perfect and make mistakes. Thus, there should be more reform as well as punish. In 1682, William Penn made a push for change. He limited the death penalty to cases of murder only and called for fines and imprisonment for most offenses. This is widely considered the beginnings of the prison system in the U.S. He also helped start the creation of jails, like the High Street Jail. The first federal prisons were established in 1891. Before this date, prisons were organized by states and territories. The establishment of parole and probation, or community corrections, began in the 1870s. There has always been and most likely always will be a huge social dilemma on what types and to what extent punishment should be laid out. Both institutional and community corrections have their pros and cons. One thing is for certain, however, that we do need a mixture of both. The current prison system has a number of advantages. Incarceration keeps criminals away from the public theoretically making the public safer. Imprisonment also punishes the convicted criminal by taking away, in a sense, their life at least for a short period. This type of punishment should have the effect of deterring the offender from repeat crimes as well as others from committing crimes. Current prison systems are meant to be rehabilitative. Structure and discipline is provided by the prisons so as to educate and provide therapy for inmates. With the good also comes the bad. Housing a large population of criminals together can lead to networking and an anti-social encouragement to continue crime. Probably the biggest knock on imprisonment is that there is a huge cost associated with housing an inmate. The public and law-abiding citizens essentially pay for the living accommodations of a criminal. The financial toll hits those families directly associated with the criminal. It is harder for a family to get by if an income is removed. If a family ends up needing government aid, the public is again paying for that. It can also be said that prisons lack the necessary resources to properly rehabilitate and to address the issues of how they got to prison. One last disadvantage is that every prisoner is treated the same. A murderer would be treated the same as a thief. This may not necessarily be fair. Community-based corrections, on the other hand, also have a number of advantages. It is usually said that community corrections are practical and less expensive alternatives to imprisonment. Keeping an offender convicted of a minor crime in the community and out of a jail filled with hardened criminals would theoretically do a better job at rehabilitating the person and keep them functioning socially. Community corrections mainly offer the solution to the tendency of inmates to learn anti-social behaviors. Families will largely stay intact. Supervision and restrictions can help the person learn to be a more highly functioning member of society. Training programs and job placement work along these same lines. Community corrections may also have negative outcomes. For one, criminals will still be walking the streets. If an offender is set to live in a halfway house, the community around the house could become undesirable. Nearby residents may feel threatened. Community corrections are not totally free either. Systems like halfway houses do cost money, although the overall cost of community corrections is appealing in comparison to institutional corrections. Many believe that â€Å"prisonization is tantamount to socialization into a criminal culture. Therefore, being in a prison is thought equivalent to being in a school for crime (Tittle, 263).†Research has shown that inmates will often grow loyalty each other and can develop a hostility towards prison officials. The society in a prison is largely based on putting value in things not as valuable otherwise. The overall effect is not one conducive to rehabilitation into society. Some do say, however, that attitudes and behaviors such as this â€Å"become less salient as the time nears for return to the outside (Tittle, 264)†This ins ight can show how many might simply adapt to prison culture and can readjust once freed. Still, the risk of anti-socialization is there. The argument can be made that prisons are not the greatest device for rehabilitation but that community corrections are not currently adequate. A push for improvements is being made. Prohibitive costs of constructing and operating jails make it impossible to get out of this corrections crisis even if the public wants toughness on crime (Rosenthal, 1). Policymakers are making a push towards more effective transition and community supervision. One large problem with this changing corrections climate, is that rehabilitation is being overshadowed by protection of the public and promotion of justice (Rosenthal, 1). One last important point to make about a need for more effective community corrections is that there is an increase in the number of drug and alcohol abusers and prisons are not the best place for these offenders. Innovations have been made in community corrections such as intensive supervision probation/parole (ISP), home confinement with or without electronic monitoring, and residential options in community corrections. It is encouraging to see developments but the system in general is ineffective.†Unlike some countries, we have no national probation service to provide service uniformly across all parts of the country (Burrell, xv).†There are federal, state, county, and even municipal level providers. It is hard to be efficient and effective with such a non-standardized system. A Canadian study showed that â€Å"well-designed and well-implemented correctional treatment programs can produce significant reduction in recidivism (Burrell, xvii).†The overarching factor in the correctional dilemma is that we should attempt to do what is best for society. Justice does need to be served and prisons are a necessary evil, but not always best at rehabilitation. Without proper rehabilitation, we will see repeat offenders. Community corrections offer better opportunities at re-entry but, of course, this is not always feasible or fair. An often overlooked portion of this dilemma is the families. Not only will the criminal be a lost cause if rehabilitation is a failure but often the families may fall into a state of failure as well. A study shows that two thirds of family members of incarcerated persons see substantial financial decline, general health decline, and damage to relationships with children and other family members (Arditti, 199-200). This certainly is not beneficial for society. In my opinion, there is a trend to be seen in this correctional dilemma. This trend appears to be that the main issue is a lack of effectiveness in rehabilitation. It is also very clear that institutional corrections is not usually conducive to widespread rehabilitation. This lends the idea that community corrections and the community in general provide the real hope. We also now know that the community system is fragmented and decentralized and needs improvement. This is not to say that we need to completely stray away from prisons. Surely, that is out of the question. It is a necessary evil. To better society as a whole, community corrections need to be improved. I believe that we should move towards a system where only the most severe of offenders see true hard jail time. Further, a focus and monetary support should be put towards a unified community corrections system that is more apt at rehabilitating offenders. This is no small task. My opinions can be expounded upon as such: For all violent offenders and those committing crimes with wide-ranging effects should see times behind bars without question. Data shows that there are large numbers of non violent offenders behind bars. Being that it is extremely costly to house a prisoner it would be beneficial to attempt to cut down on non violent offenders behind bars. The push would then be to turn to more social and community based ways of punishment. It would seem that this would be more conducive of rehabilitation. This group of offenders having committed non violent crimes may have more hope of becoming productive members of society once again. There is a certain level of toleration to be had. We must understand that there will always be criminals and some will never be fixed. Further, any system will never work perfectly. In my opinion, though, it seems there needs to a slight shift in momentum towards community corrections for economic, societal, and rehabilitative reasons. Works Cited Arditti, Joyce A., Jennifer Lambert-Shute, and Karen Joest. â€Å"Saturday Morning at the Jail: Implications of Incarceration for Families and Children.†Family Relations 52.3 (2003): 195-204. JSTOR. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This scholarly article was originally published in the journal, Family Relations. This article is meant to explore the implications of criminal sanction policies on the families of felony offenders. More specifically, the article focused on the social, health, and economic characteristics of parents and children to these offenders under incarceration. I found the article to be interesting and thorough overall, but much of it was more than what I needed for the purposes of this paper. Still, I found the article to be helpful in my research and proved to be useful for anecdotes. As such, this source was used mainly for supplemental information. Burrell, William D. â€Å"Community Corrections Management.†Civic Research Institute (n.d.): n. pag. JSTOR. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This article is part of the Civic Research Institute. The article is intent on discussing the Community-Based Corrections System in general. The author takes the point of view that it is a decentralized and fragmented system. The article further discusses probation and parole along with developments in these areas. Finally, it explores the future of the system. I found the article to be helpful to my understanding of the community corrections system and to see where it might be heading. I used this article mainly for informational purposes and general understanding. Inciardi, James A. Criminal Justice. 8th ed. Orlando: Academic, 1984. Print. This source is the textbook for our Introduction to Criminal Justice course. It is meant to provide an overview of the structure, processes, and problems of the criminal justice system in the United States. The book provides lots of basic and some in depth information and accompanying support, data, and analysis. I find the book to be helpful and capable ox offering explanations easy to comprehend. I have used this book mainly as a guide and a source for general information on the topic and not for more in depth purposes. Rosenthal, C. S. â€Å"Opportunities in Community Corrections.†National Criminal Justice Reference Service. National Council on Crime and Delinquency, 1989. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. . This article published in the National Criminal Justice Reference Service is focused on why there would be community based corrections, what they are, how effective they have been, and what is the future looking like. Similar to another article I have cited, this scholarly journal article does a good job of painting the big picture of community corrections. I particularly liked how this article was thorough in starting off with the basics and going into developments and then finally int o some analysis. This proved to be a helpful article in the formation of my opinion. Tittle, Charles R. â€Å"Institutional Living and Rehabilitation.†Journal of Health & Social Behavior 13 (1972): 263-73. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. This source is an article published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior on the topic of Institutional Corrections. The author of this article seeks to provide information and research on the extent to which incarceration is or can be rehabilitative. He finds and explains three characteristics thought to have anti-rehabilitative consequences. I found this journal article to be helpful at providing a detailed analysis of institutional corrections, both the presumed advantages and disadvantages. I used this mainly for more in depth conclusion drawing.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Positve And Negative Emotions
The Broaden- and- build theory created by Barbara Fredrickson (2001) describes how positive emotions open up our thinking and actions to new possibilities, and how this expansion can help build physical, psychological, and social resources that promote well-being (Baumgardner, 2009). In correlation as suggested by Fredrickson (2001), positive emotions include joy, interest, contentment, pride and love. They all provide the ability to broaden one’s momentary thought-action repertoires and help build their personal resources (Baumgardner, 2009).The benefits of positive emotions are more general and long-term rather than the short-term effects possessed by negative emotions. Men and women have different ways of expressing the same emotion. Hence, when a woman is sad, they tend to show depression for their sadness, whereas men tend to show anger when dealing with sadness. They both feel the same way, but show it differently. When women are angry their feeling gets expressed throug h words and sadness. As opposed to men their sadness is shown with anger and resentfulness. Men and women do not feel differently with a negative emotion, but simply react differently to the emotion.Research shows that men tend to use the left side (reasoning) of their brain more than women. Women use both the left and the right (emotional) sides of their brain. This provides women the ability to understand people and express their emotions more effectively (Brenda, 2013). The research found is mixed regarding the emotional differences between the sexes. Strong evidence has been found that there are differences in the way men and women detect, process, and express emotion. Other studies show that men and women share more emotional similarities than differences (Thompson, 2013).
Friday, September 13, 2019
Wk 10 (61) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wk 10 (61) - Essay Example This is an additional certification that an individual counselor can add to their state licensure requirement. Some people think that this is all they need to do for state certification but this is not the same as state licensure requirements although many may be similar. Counselors can elect to be certified by the NBCC and it can be added once they have state licensure. CACREP does not certify individual counselors but it does certify the programs that counseling students need to take when going through their training. CACREP is not required of every counseling program though many states have these programs. Both programs have specific standards and codes of ethics that their members must abide by in order to continue to be a part of their programs. The credentialing body for Florida is Board of Clinical Social Work Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling. An individual can receive two credentials from this body: the Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Registered Mental Health Intern (RMHI). Both have handbooks that explain the requirements. The LMHC gives licensure in several categories: Certified Master Social Work, Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, Licensure by Endorsement for CSW/MFT/MHC, Dual Licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist. For the purpose of this assignment, the concentration will be for the LMHC. 3. Two years of post masters supervision are required and the supervision must be by a licensed mental health counselor or equivalent (Rule 64B4-31.007, F.A.C.)who is qualified according to the board standards. All three courses are mandatory and must be provided by someone on the "approved" list that the board provides (Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Interation of Mass Media, Government, Media Owners Essay
Interation of Mass Media, Government, Media Owners - Essay Example It is also managed as strategic business information marketing. These days, Canada Media Directory (2011) listed 1,489 newspapers, 1,878 magazines, 245 television stations, 810 radio stations, 561 interactive websites, 1 alter native advertising media, and 211 registered out-of-home multimedia which is powerfully influencing Canada’s governance. This study will delve how media owners, government and journalists interact to develop Canadian media environment. Interactions of Institutions Decision-makings and communications are central in the processes for socio-political interactions, of exercising democratic governance, policy-direction or setting of social agenda. Everyday, Canadian mass media is providing information and analysis on issues or matters relating to governance, economy, ecology, cultural practices, and other social dynamics to generate public opinion and develop a collective agenda. Setting the agenda is essentially the converging area of mass media, the public and the policymakers. Such agenda may vary depending on dynamics and links. Media’s agenda is predicted by the nature of entertainment, or may use polling agenda or by the level of influence it wage about. Public’s agenda depends on the interest groups and the issue publicly advocated by them. The policy agenda on the other hand, refer to the interest and issues assumed by government authorities and discussed extensively by lawmakers. All these could be represented in varied and integrated agenda analysis (Soroka, 2011, pp.271-273). For instance, on issues on ecological problems, the mass media may use empirical indicators as measures in analyzing issues on forest denudation and imbalances of ecosystem which cost human lives and damages of properties; to persuade the public to make an ecological agenda and motivate the government to adopt measures and environmental protectionism as a policy. Indeed, the dynamics is vibrant and complex, but these interrelationships figu re how mass media’s role is considered supportive for social cohesion and development. Media is a powerful industry that bridge people, government, and its agencies through all medium of communication. It reports information on the state of affairs; provide contexts on issues that demand public participation, especially on issues directly affecting them. With factors of globalization threading part of world’s dynamics, regions and social divides are bridged by information technology’s revolutionâ€â€an instrument which aided virtual convergence. The digitized and IT’s advancement hasten information accessibility at a tip of the finger. Political discourses can be viewed live through cables where issues can now be analyzed 24/7 in every home, in market areas and in commercial zones too. Such auger well to commerce too as products can be hastily introduced to consumers without the facilitation of middlemen, brokers or intermediaries. Media have virtually acted as the seller themselves; the mouthpieces of companies; an instrument to leverage in competition; and the market’s window of opportunities. Media is managed by stockholders through corporate policies and of reporters based on professional code of journalism and of constitutional guarantee. Recent developments in the exercise of these rights are in fact illustrated in some reporters demand for right to information to increase their access from sources, especially from
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